Hi, I found this website - Prezi.com - and I was amazed at the creativity that can be drawn from a presentation! Click on the links below to view a few examples. To make your own Prezi, simply create your own free account here! Need help with Prezi: view this tutorial or check out the Prezi Manual.
Getting Started: Prezi in 3 minutes
Prezi Workflow in 15 minutes
Some Examples:
Enjoy using Prezi!
Getting Started: Prezi in 3 minutes
Prezi Workflow in 15 minutes
Some Examples:
- Leyenda Negra de América a la Iglesia
- Biografía de Carlos Perrault
- Math is not linear
- Mixing Mind and Metaphor
- Organic Chemistry
- The Roaring Twenties
- French Clothing Vocabulary
- Macbeth Conflicts
Enjoy using Prezi!