Próceres de la Independencia de Centro América

Biografía de Selectos Próceres de la Independencia de Centro América

Por: Gracia Elena Durón

28 de febrero del 2011

José Cecilio del Valle
Dionisio de Herrera
José Francisco Barrundia
Pedro Molina
María Dolores de Bedoya
Tomás Ruiz
Francisco Morazán
José Matías Delgado
Manuel José Arce
Francisco Córdova

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    Create your own Prezi!

    Hi, I found this website - - and I was amazed at the creativity that can be drawn from a presentation! Click on the links below to view a few examples. To make your own Prezi, simply create your own free account here! Need help with Prezi: view this tutorial or check out the Prezi Manual.

    Getting Started: Prezi in 3 minutes

    Prezi Workflow in 15 minutes

    Some Examples:

    Enjoy using Prezi!

    Geography Review Worksheets

    Follow this link to view 10th grade geography review worksheets created by Ms. Tonia Moore and answered by myself. Most of the review worksheets include vocabulary words to know, a map, study questions and their answers. The link includes the following topics:

    1. Climate Factors - LOWERN
    2. Basic Geography Skills
    3. Physical Geography
    4. Human Geography
    5. US & Canada
    6. Europe
    7. Latin America
    8. Africa
    9. Asia, Oceania, and Antarctica
    Hope this becomes useful to you one day!