Just Facts

A large swarm of desert locusts can consume 20,000 tons of vegetation a day.

The ears of a cricket are located on the front legs, just below the knees.

2.5 cm of rain is equal to 38.1 cm of dry snow.

The hottest planet in the Solar System is Venus, with 462°C.

Ten minutes of one hurricane contains enough energy to match the nuclear stockpiles of the world.

Starfish have been found living as deep as 7584 m underwater.

The weasel is the bravest of all animals. The mother will fight to death to defend her own children.

Grasshoppers have their ears in the sides of their tummies.

The bullfrog calls its wife by blowing out his dewlap and letting it go with a burp. But the wife has to nudge him several times until he stops his burping and turn around and hug her.

The little yellow clover butterfly often carries his wife around on his back.

The guppy has funny habits. When he falls in love with another guppy, he bites her on the bottom.

A dead head of a moth can squeak.

Birds have almost no sense of smell. But they have good eyesight and they love red colors. The flowers they like are red and yellow, but never blue.

Some bees have tongues which they can unroll until they are nearly twice as long as the bee itself. This is to allow tem to gather nectar from flowers that have very long, narrow openings.

In some big English country houses, the butler still has to iron the morning newspaper before putting it on his master’s breakfast table.

A snail can sleep for three years.

The Statue of Liberty’s index finger is eight feet long.

Rain has never been recorded in some parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile.

Footprints left on the moon by astronauts will remain visible for at east ten million years.

A person living at age 75 will have slept about 220,000 hours or 23 years.

A Boeing 747’s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother’s first flight.

They have square watermelons in Japan. They’re grown in boxes to make them stack better.

There are as many chickens on this planet as humans.

Mel Blanc, the man who played the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.

One type of hummingbird weighs less than a penny.

The word “set” has the highest number of definitions in the English language: 192.

Slugs have four noses.

“ough” can be pronounced eight different ways in the English language.

Sharks can live up to 10 years.

Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue twice as much as any other color.

A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.

Kangaroos can’t walk backwards.

You would need 14,826 fireflies to generate as much light as the sun produces.

An underground mushroom in Oregon is 3.5 miles across and covers an area larger than 1,600 football fields.

A snail could crawl along the edge of a razor without getting cut because it produces a sticky liquid that forms a protective coating under its body.

Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

The California state flag was originally supposed to feature a pear, not a bear.

Fish can’t blink, because they don’t have eyelids.

Jimmy Carter was the first US president to have been born in a hospital.

Approximately 75 acres of pizza are consumed in the US every day.

There aren’t any billboards in the state of Vermont.

It’s supposedly impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

The largest recorded snowflake—15 inches wide by 8 inches thick—fell in Montana in 1887.

The tip of a bullwhip moves so fast that the sound it makes is a tiny sonic boom.

The elephant will extract its own infected tooth using tree braches and sharp rocks as tools.

A day on Venus is equal to 243 Earth days.

Former US President Bill Clinton sent only two emails in his entire 8-year presidency.

Koalas are the only animals besides humans and other primates that have fingerprints.

A fly flies slower when the sun is behind the clouds than when it’s sunny.

The Sahara Desert in Africa is approximately the same size as the United States.

The ski-doo snowmobile was originally supposed to be called the ski=dog; there was a typo.

Ninety percent of all species that have become extinct have been birds.

With 200 million insects for every human, it’s a good thing there are millions of bug-loving birds and bats.

It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.

The last record for cramming people into a Volkswagen beetle was made in the year 2000 by 25 Austrians.

Starfish have multiple eyes, one at the end of each leg.

The world’s largest Montessori school is in India, with 26,312 students enrolled in 2002.

An octopus has three hearts.

There is about ¼ pound of salt in each gallon of sea water.

Elephants purr like cats do, as a means of communication.

The fear of veggies is called “lachanophobia.”

Giraffes sleep for 20 minutes a day.

The only bird that can fly backwards is the hummingbird.

The novel Gadsby contains over 50,000 words—none with the letter “e.”

A practical can opener was invented in 1858, about 50 years after the can.

We’re born with 300 bones, but only have 206 when we reach adulthood.

Almonds are members of the peach family.

A jiffy is an actual unit of time—1/100th of a second.

A group of frogs is called an “army.”

It would take 31.7 years to count off one billion seconds.

Dark spots on a banana’s peel are usually sunburn marks.

Ben Franklin invented swim fins.

There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

Forgetting the word you want to use is called “lethologica.”

A Rafflesia flower smells like rotten meat.

After a night’s rest people are slightly taller.

Dirty snow melts faster than clean snow.

The ability to use your right and left hand equally well is called “ambidexterity.”

In 1997, a Mexican town had a storm in which frogs fell from the sky.

Napoleon was terrified of rats.

A toothbrush within six feet of a toilet can catch airborne bacteria.

Apple seeds are poisonous.

A turkey’s neck turns bright red when the bird is stressed.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

It would take glass about one million years to decompose.

The cooties are a type of body lice.

Black rainbows at night are called “moonbows” caused by moonlight and moist air.

The only letter not appearing on the Periodic Table is the letter “j.”

Some frogs can survive being frozen.

Due to gravity, you weigh less when the moon is directly overhead.

March 14 is “Save a Spider” day.

Supposedly, by raising your legs and lying in your back, you can’t sink in quicksand.

Hexadectylism: Having six fingers/toes on one or both hands or feet.

A newborn kangaroo is about one inch in length.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: the fear of long words.

A blue moon is a second full moon in a month.

Strongest land creature: the rhinoceros beetle. It can carry 850 times its own weight.

The word “nerd” was coined by Dr. Seuss in his book “If I Ran a Zoo.”

Strange invention: the “Banana Suitcase” for safe transport of a single banana.

Each year, more than twenty million meteors enter the earth’s atmosphere.

The first video game was invented in 1958.

By age 65, the average person will have seen two million commercials.

Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.

Strange invention: toilet landing lights—to help people locate the toilet in the dark.

In your lifetime, you’ll shed about forty pounds of skin.

Bubble gum contains rubber.

Mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.

Ten tons of space dust falls on the Earth every day.

The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000.

Bugs Bunny was originally called Happy Rabbit.

There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with orange, purple and silver.

Mongolia is the largest landlocked country in the world.

Polar bears are left-handed.

“Screeched” is the longest one-syllable word in English.

“Orange” is the only word that does not rhyme with anything in the English language.

“Bookkeeper” and “bookkeeping” are the only English words that have three consecutive double letters.

The average American child sees about 200,000 acts of violence on TV by age 18.

Muasaki Shikibu wrote the world's first novel, The Tale of the Genji, in around 1008.

The largest one day North American snow storm ever dumped over six ft (1.9 m) of snow on Silver Lake, Colo., in April, 1921.

One in 12 men is color blind.

“Q” is the only letter that does not occur in any of the U.S. state names.

The strongest muscle of the body is the masseter muscle, which is located in the jaw.

The Atlantic Giant Squid eye can be as large as 15.75 inches (40 cm.) wide.

Diamonds are the hardest substance known to man.

One tree provides nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year.

Two-thirds of the fiber grown for wood and paper products is harvested by family forest owners.

Most recycled paper is actually made from a blend of virgin and post-consumer fiber.

In 2005, 51.5% of the paper consumed in the United States was recovered for recycling.

A single fiber in a sheet of paper can be recycled between 4 and 10 times.

Even when harvested, trees continue to keep their carbon out of the atmosphere for as long as the wood is in use.

There are nearly 750 million acres of forests in the US today.

For every Christmas tree cut in a managed forest, up to three are planted each spring.