LOWERN - Climate Factors

Climate Factors


  • The further away from the equator you go, the more seasonal variation there is (and the colder it gets).
  • Locations near the equator are warm.
  • This region receives the most direct sunlight and energy all year long.

Ocean Currents
  • Warm currents heat, and cold currents cool, the air above water.
  • Cold currents from the Arctic cool the air and reduce the amount of precipitation in a region (cold air doesn’t evaporate as easily as warm air does).
  • When cold and warm currents meet, they can create fog.

Winds and air masses
  • Air brings climate conditions from where it came.
  • Winds move air masses over land.

  • Climates get colder as elevations get higher.
  • As warm air rises, it expands and loses heat.

  • Mountains form a natural barrier that causes air masses to rise.
  • As air rises, it expands and becomes less dense, causing it to cool.
  • Therefore, the leeward side of the mountain is colder and has less precipitation.
Near water
  • Water bodies have a moderating affect on climates of land masses near them.
  • Water cools & heats slower than land.
  • Therefore, the land near water remains cooler or warmer.
  • This also means there is less temperature range from season to season.
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9 Response to "LOWERN - Climate Factors"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    This is great review! I have a geography exam first thing tomorrow morning, and this is just what I needed, thanks!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    thank you for your help, i also have a geo exam tmrow, really needed this... thanks soo much :)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Yea thanks yo, i too have a geo exam tom, and this was just what i was looking for :)

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Hey, thanks for the help.....this is just what i needed!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    This helped so much. Thanks

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Thankyou so much. i have a geo exam tomorrow too.

  7. Unknown Says:

    Es una sorpresa que la HEPATITIS sea verdaderamente curable, todo gracias al Dr. Iyabiye que ayudó a curar a mi hermano. Mi hermano llegó un día a casa quejándose de dolor en las costillas y cansancio, al día siguiente lo llevé al hospital donde le diagnosticaron hepatitis B crónica, le dieron medicamentos para ralentizar la carga viral, pero luego empeoró con vómitos. Me encontré con el contacto del médico en línea mientras estudiaba sobre la enfermedad, lo contacté y le administró su medicamento a mi hermano y se curó después del tratamiento. Fue a hacerse una prueba y fue negativa. Vine a hablar de eso para salvar a alguien. Contactos del médico: (iyabiyehealinghome@gmail.com) (+ 234-815-857-7300)

  8. jennifer Says:

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    El médico me confirmó que estaba libre de herpes y dijo que ya no tenía
    herpes en mi sistema y hasta ahora nunca he vuelto a sentir dolores ni herpes, así que
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    estás surfeando de este problema de herpes o cualquier enfermedad mortal o
    otra enfermedad por lo que le aconsejaré que se ponga en contacto con él sobre su trabajo
    correo electrónico: drolokuntemple@gmail.com O en su teléfono celular +2348132537313 número de whatsapp

  9. Christopher Says:

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